Tuesday 2 August 2011

Hello It's the Universe Calling

Do you ever get the feeling that things happen in your life for a reason? Or that spookily certain things happen along the way that alter the direction your taking? Im currently studying to be a social worker, and in a few weeks will begin my first student placement in an agency (so excited). Yesterday I dragged my ass down to the doctor to update my immunisations for placement. The initial consultation began with me chatting to the nurse. Somehow through our disussion of whether I needed a Tuberculosis immunisation we got onto the subject of world travel. Through completing a degree in nursing, this woman travelled to four different continents and made money along the way. I was inspired.

Its pretty evident Im stressed out right now. This blog is part of my self-prescribed thereapeutic process. Which explains exactly what happened next.

I then entered the doctors office and started talking to my doctor about stress and what I could do about it (crossing my fingers for a quick fix of valium). Of course my doctor did not prescribe valium, but instead gave me a few wise words on changing the way I view my problems. The doctor explained something very simple that had a profound impact on me. That is, to stop seeing your issues as "problems" and instead see them as "challenges". If you constantly see the issues in your life as problems, you will constantly feel down trodden. However, viewing your issues as challenges to be overcome can lead to confidence once you are able to address them. Light bulb moment!

....and then today, being my usual friendly self I get talking to a sales assistant in David Jones that passionately explains how a young girl she knew completed a degree in the United States and then continued to work there for over a year in immigration, and met so many diverse people from the experience.

Hmm, maybe the world is just becoming a smaller place due to globablisation, and world travel is simply more affordable or...perhaps the universe is trying to tell me something.

Sunday 31 July 2011

We're the Middle Children of History Man

I think I'm having a quarter life crises. A few weeks ago I turned 21 and I realised that I don't know how to live my life. Despite being a fulltime university student my development into adulthood seemed to stop there. I don't have a job. I don't have my licence. I don't own a car. I have zero savings in my bank account. Oh and I live at home. What the fuck am I doing? I know I'm meant to take responsibility for my life. But I can't help feeling like nobody prepared me to be an adult. Are there certain lessons, hints, responsibilities that your meant to be given along the way that I didn't get? I could attempt to psychoanalyse myself using my depression and anxiety as reasons why I haven't been able to get where I want. But what ever, that doesn't matter anymore. It's time to get my shit together.

When you have depression, its hard to get motivated, especially when you see everyone else swimming along perfectly. Im not the jealous type but when one of your friends tells you she just bought that ten year old second hand convertible car you were planning on saving your pennies up for, got engaged and received a massive diamond ring, in addition to her awesome new job you'd love to have you can't help but feeling you suck at life just a bit. Especially when you just got rejected from smokemart and recieved zero call backs from 30 other jobs you just applied for.

So what is a 21 year old nothing meant to do? Get off her fucking arse, stop whining and get her shit together.

I love this Fight Club quote as it reflects how I'm beginning to feel at the moment about my life and its direction:

"Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need. We're the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our great war is a spiritual war. Our great depression is our lives. We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars, but we won't. We're slowly learning that fact. And we're very, very pissed off." - Tyler Durden

Growing up I had this visage that as I got older I would have the knowledge, skills and confidence to be able to make the right choices for myself and to determine my own destiny. If you had of asked my 16 year old self where I saw myself at the age of 21 I would have said: Living in Sydney away from my parents with my boyfriend, studying, with an awesome job and an awesome wardrobe and a wide social cirlce...hmmm what went wrong?

Somehow I believed that one day I would know what I needed to do and how to do it based on a few extra years on this planet. I think the problem I have encountered is that in all honesty I have no idea what to do, or how to do it. I have realised I can't sit around waiting to learn how to live my life, but to jump in, be a fuck up and learn to succeed from that experience. This is the beginning of my journey to become a confident, successful young woman.